God is a God of love. He loves us unconditionally and we need that love to sustain ourselves in our lives and all the time. He shows His love in so many different ways such as in families or by calling prophets, sending down His only Begotten Son for our ransom, or even just blessing us with a simple tender mercy. His love is unconditional and is manifest at all times if we but open our eyes to see it.
As God has shown his love to us, what has he asked us to do in return? The answer is simple, let us find it in the scriptures. In Matthew 22, a certain lawyer tries to tempt Christ asking what the great commandment in the law is. Jesus responds in simplicity that one must love God with all of his heart soul and mind, that being the first and great commandment. You may be wondering, how is love a commandment? It is not as simple as "Thou shalt not commit adultery" How can we possibly be judged by this standard? Aren't we lucky to have the scriptures! In one of the most simple, yet profound verses in the New Testament, Christ teaches "If ye love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15) Ok, well that is simple enough, keep the commandments, one quite obvious and simple way to show our Father in Heaven love just as you would show your earthly father love by obeying him.
But is this all? Just keep the commandments to show God our love to Him? I think that there is a little more to it than that. When the risen Lord was speaking to Peter, and asks "...lovest thou me more than these? He said unto Him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs." As you read on through those verses, Christ questions Peters love three times in total, each time begging His beloved disciple to feed His sheep. Christ showed the greatest love by suffering for each of us and eventually laying down His life for our salvation. And His plea to Peter, and really to all of us to show our love to Him, comes from the Second Great commandment to "love thy neighbor as thyself." (Matt 22:39) How much would you do for yourself for your own Salvation, I hope a lot! Now transfer that over to the love you could show for others and their salvation as well. How to show that love, I will leave up to you, but I know this is the way and Christ loves you more than you know. All He asks for is you to love Him back.