Well, as many of you may now know, I am a convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Since I have been out on my mission, I have really wanted to write down my conversion story before I forgot important details. So here we go!
As missionaries, when people are ready to hear the Gospel and accept it, we refer to them as prepared by the Lord. I know after looking back on all the events in my life leading up to my conversion, I was very prepared. It all basically started with my first day in Kindergarten. My family had just moved into town and I didn't know anyone in my class. So, I took a seat and sat there waiting for class to start. While waiting, a curly haired kid named Will Guynn came and sat down next to me and gave me a look. I turn to him and he asked "Do I know you from somewhere?" I responded with something along the lines of "No I just moved in." And his reply changed my life, saying, "Oh, well do you want to be my best friend?" From that point on, we were practically inseparable, always playing together, making jokes and doing things typical best friends do from Kindergarten till this very day. Along our journey of "Best-Friend-Dom" I was introduced to different aspects of his religion which I was told was Mormon, a religion in general people do not know much about. Some of these things included seeing all of his older siblings go on missions. This idea baffled me. Why would someone just leave to another country. I was never really told what they do, but I did ask Will if he will be going on a mission. He responded that he planned on serving and I told him, "Well if you go, then I am going with you! They won't split us up for 2 years!" Funny how things turn out, being a missionary now! Anyway, as I grew older I found out more what people perceive about the Mormons. My loving Mother informed me when I inquired about joining Will to a Church activity that if Mormon children deny the faith they are cast out and abandoned to live on their own (False). Needless to say I did not attend that activity. My family at this time was also in the process of "Church Shopping". My mom could not find a place to worship where she actually felt closer to God after the services, so we stopped trying after a few years. I also found out in my Middle School era that Mormons also don't say swear words. While in my rebellious years I was inclined to drop some bad words every once in a while, but these kids never said them. I was intrigued and felt like this would be an awesome challenge, get a Mormon to swear! I tried it all, a million dollars, then a more realistic amount of money like $5, homework for a week. You name the bribe, I probably offered it in exchange for a Mormon to swear. Ok yes, I was one of those kids! But every time, they stood firm and did not yield to my temptations. Continuing, I found great comfort in talking to Will about different things and he was always there for me, when all other friends turned their backs. He portrayed Christ-like love through our entire friendship, this made all the difference. One last experience that prepared me to accept the Gospel was one day I walked by the lost and found. There sitting in it was a copy of the Book of Mormon. I had never heard of it before, but I knew it had to do with the Mormons somehow! So I snagged it to see what other kinda rules they follow. All I knew about them was rules rules rules! So I thought this little blue book would be full of them! I was kinda disappointed to find when sifting through, it was just about some family with foreign names. I told Will I picked it up and asked about it. He showed very little insight as to the content of the book, but rather offered the invitation, "It is pretty awesome, you should read it!" Well, I had no real motivation to read, so I didn't.

Then came time for High School, I had big dreams and high hopes for new adventures and fun times! I hung out with Will a ton while also making new friends on my various sports teams. We would spend the majority of the weekends together except for Sunday, he never was allowed to have me over on Sundays. That was a bummer for me, but I just kinda did my own thing on the side and didn't think too much of it. As my first semester in High School went on, I began to make more friends from Will's Church. They were some awesome people and I loved hanging out with them! Then one Saturday evening, about half way through the first semester, I asked Will if I could sleep over. He went and asked his Mom and she said no, he asked if I wanted to go to Church with them if I could and she said sure. So he turns to me and basically says I can if I come to Church with him. I said of course I would go! In the back of my mind I wanted to go to find out more of these rules so I can keep making fun of them. The next morning I got up and dressed in some of Will's Church clothes. He is way smaller than me, so the white shirt was super tight and the slacks were about 3 inches above my K-Swiss shoes which I also rocked. Feeling a touch out of place, I went with them to Church. The warm welcome I received as I wandered aimlessly about the Chapel as Will and others prepared the Sacrament was delightfully stunning! Everyone who passed by me stopped to talk with me and asked who I was, got to know me and all that good stuff. I felt loved already by people who I didn't know. I also saw those familiar faces of friends from sports and school. They all seemed baffled and excited to see me there with them! I, of course was happy to receive such a warm welcome. As the service started, I was confused to see that the Bishop was not to be the one preaching, but in fact there were speakers assigned from the congregation! I have never even heard of that being done before!! The first speaker was only 12 years old too! I thought it was kinda cool that they had them do that! Before the speakers spoke, they passed the Sacrament, I distinctly remember the Sacrament hymn was I Stand All Amazed. The words of that hymn spoke to me. I viewed all of these people as perfect do-gooders yet they were singing about how rebellious and proud they are. That shocked me and I realized that these people aren't just forced to do good, but they are really trying to be the best they could be. That was the first time I ever felt the Spirit, but I did not recognize it at the time as the Spirit, but I wanted to feel it again. The Spirit left quickly when during the talks, Will and his sister drew on the back of the program throughout the remainder of the meeting and I even joined in with some of my expert doodles as well. I don't really remember the rest of the day except for something that was asked by someone if I was going to come back next week. I thought to myself after that, I wasn't really planning on coming back, but I had no reason why I wouldn't. Plus I had a pretty fun time hanging out with all my friends. So I told him something like, "I don't see why not!"
After that first Sunday, I returned home and conversed with my Mother. I told her I had a good time over there that I planned on going back the following week. She seemed hesitant, but still allowed me to return. My little brother, Nick, overheard the conversation. He expressed interest in joining me to next Sunday's meetings because he too had friends who attended. Being only 12 years old, my mom did not want him wandering into something that would be weird or cultish and get caught in their trap, so to make sure it wasn't weird or anything, she attended with us! That Sunday we all felt the Spirit, we knew there was something there that we all wanted more of. My mom was also thoroughly impressed with the humility of the members of the New Canaan Ward. Some people who are very well off and very well known would speak with her like she was an equal with them. She was so taken back by how nice and kind they were to people they didn't know, she had never seen that anywhere else! So, we kept going back, mainly because my brother and myself would insist on going. So we ended up going for the next couple weeks! The missionaries had very limited contact with us, my mom was still afraid of them at this point. But one day, we decided to meet them offically as a family with Dad there. Dad hadn't come to Church at all for the short period that the rest of us had been attending and was interested to know where we were going for 3 hours every Sunday and enjoying it! The meeting was great with Elder Peterson and Elder Bartlett. They were some stellar guys. We ended up getting to know them really well and my Dad and Elder Peterson really ended up hitting it off. This started the beginning of a beautiful friendship between the White family and the Missionaries. I would always look forward to our meetings with the missionaries, they would come over sometimes just to play with my brother and me outside and would penguin slide on our frozen pond, one time Elder Peterson even fell in! Most other times they would want to sled and when it got nice out, play whiffle ball. We would always have a great time with them. This relationship was important because I am not sure if my parents would have listened with such intent if these young men weren't first our friends. As we took the missionary discussions, everything just started to make sense. Being 14, my Mom was even calling me our families own Joseph Smith! (if you are not familiar with Joseph Smith, read http://mormon.org/joseph-smith/) It was cool beginning this new journey with my family. After a short period though, Elder Bartlett was transferred and in came Elder Langi. I know for a fact that these missionaries were placed in our path at this time for a reason. They both were able to connect with the whole family on a new level! We also began having the lessons at other members houses with high school aged members present for our lessons. The most impactful lesson I had was when Daniel Neeleman (Senior Captain of the football team and homecoming king as well!) testified about how he doesn't have to go out and drink and party to have fun with friends, but instead he can grab a Gatorade and have just as much fun. In my High School, drinking and partying were very prominent and to hear this coming from a senior captain of the football team, it really hit home with me.
So, the missionaries would come and go, each of them, bringing up baptism. Time and time again, my Mom would tell them if they kept bringing it up, they wouldn't be allowed to teach us anymore. We knew it would take us a little longer to make this decision, because this isn't just a religion change, but a whole lifestyle change! Once we really started to realize the truth of the message they were sharing, my Dad started coming with us to Church. For a number of months we just continued this process of going to Church and continuing taking the lessons. It had become natural to us, Church leaders would even comment to me in Church how it just seemed like I had been a member all of my life and I was just part of the group! Those kind of comments really made a big impact on me as well. These people loved me and felt like I was already part of their family, it gave me a real sense of belonging as well. Finally the time came where the missionaries built up the courage to commit us to baptism AGAIN. This time for March 24, 2007. And instead of getting mad, my Mom accepted!! And so did my Dad! I was overjoyed! We did end up keeping that date, and the reception we got from the Ward about our decision was borderline overwhelming!! They were all so happy to hear about our decision to make this sacred covenant with our Heavenly Father! When the time for our baptism came, the Primary room where all baptisms were held was almost too small to contain everyone, but people were still happy to stand to support us in the beginning of our journey. My Dad was first to get baptized, Elder Peterson got permission from the Mission President to come out to our baptism and perform the ordinance for my Father. Of course, though, my Dad needed to be the comic relief of the day and while they were both exiting the font, he gave Elder Peterson a little splash! After that, they confirmed him a member of the Church and then gave him the Priesthood, which made him able to baptize the rest of the family. After the Ordination of the Priesthood, Elder Langi performed a musical number for us on the guitar, then we were all baptized after that and I just remember coming up out of the water and feeling so fresh and renewed and knew that I was CLEAN!!! What a great feeling! Something I will never forget! What a great day, I am probably forgetting a lot of the specifics of who gave what talks, but I just remember how I felt and knowing that this was the right decision I needed to make. I knew the Church was true and no one could tell me otherwise.
My conversion doesn't stop at baptism, but this is most I am going to include for the time being. Since joining this Church, I have come so much closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That is the most important thing for me, it is a relationship I will always cherish and nurture and one I never plan on losing. My family has also come a lot closer together because of our goal to reach salvation and exaltation together. We have been sealed for time and all eternity in the Manhattan NY Temple. I have seen so many blessings come into my life personally. My friends participate in wholesome activities and I know that when I am with them, I won't do anything I will regret in the long run while still having a ton of fun! I have also chosen since then to serve as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I decided to go because of the happiness and blessings the missionaries brought my family were immeasurable, and I wish only to bring others that same joy that I felt (Alma 36:24). This has been one of the greatest decisions I have made in my life next to baptism. Right now I am currently serving my mission and have been out for 7.5 months. Through this time I have been converted again and again as I witness the blessings of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ enter into so many peoples lives. I have grown a deep love for the scriptures and for a living Prophet. I will conclude with my testimony. I know that Jesus is the Christ, my personal Savior. Nothing can or will ever replace Him in my life, I would not have any hope for happiness after death or in this life without Him. I know that there is a Prophet on the earth today, Thomas S. Monson. We are all so blessed to have a man who can commune with God and tell us what His will is for us at this time with all of the new temptations and evils in the world, leaving no "gray area." I am so thankful for missionary work and the blessings and pure happiness it has brought into my life and the lives of my family members. I am also thankful for a wonderful family to help me on my spiritual journey and hopefully live together forever in the Celestial Kingdom with our loving Heavenly Father. There is not much out there that means more to me than my family. I love the Gospel, I love the Lord and I love my family. I also try and love everyone around me! As all things are only done through Christ, so do I close my remarks in His holy name.

Me and Will at Youth Conference!
After that first Sunday, I returned home and conversed with my Mother. I told her I had a good time over there that I planned on going back the following week. She seemed hesitant, but still allowed me to return. My little brother, Nick, overheard the conversation. He expressed interest in joining me to next Sunday's meetings because he too had friends who attended. Being only 12 years old, my mom did not want him wandering into something that would be weird or cultish and get caught in their trap, so to make sure it wasn't weird or anything, she attended with us! That Sunday we all felt the Spirit, we knew there was something there that we all wanted more of. My mom was also thoroughly impressed with the humility of the members of the New Canaan Ward. Some people who are very well off and very well known would speak with her like she was an equal with them. She was so taken back by how nice and kind they were to people they didn't know, she had never seen that anywhere else! So, we kept going back, mainly because my brother and myself would insist on going. So we ended up going for the next couple weeks! The missionaries had very limited contact with us, my mom was still afraid of them at this point. But one day, we decided to meet them offically as a family with Dad there. Dad hadn't come to Church at all for the short period that the rest of us had been attending and was interested to know where we were going for 3 hours every Sunday and enjoying it! The meeting was great with Elder Peterson and Elder Bartlett. They were some stellar guys. We ended up getting to know them really well and my Dad and Elder Peterson really ended up hitting it off. This started the beginning of a beautiful friendship between the White family and the Missionaries. I would always look forward to our meetings with the missionaries, they would come over sometimes just to play with my brother and me outside and would penguin slide on our frozen pond, one time Elder Peterson even fell in! Most other times they would want to sled and when it got nice out, play whiffle ball. We would always have a great time with them. This relationship was important because I am not sure if my parents would have listened with such intent if these young men weren't first our friends. As we took the missionary discussions, everything just started to make sense. Being 14, my Mom was even calling me our families own Joseph Smith! (if you are not familiar with Joseph Smith, read http://mormon.org/joseph-smith/) It was cool beginning this new journey with my family. After a short period though, Elder Bartlett was transferred and in came Elder Langi. I know for a fact that these missionaries were placed in our path at this time for a reason. They both were able to connect with the whole family on a new level! We also began having the lessons at other members houses with high school aged members present for our lessons. The most impactful lesson I had was when Daniel Neeleman (Senior Captain of the football team and homecoming king as well!) testified about how he doesn't have to go out and drink and party to have fun with friends, but instead he can grab a Gatorade and have just as much fun. In my High School, drinking and partying were very prominent and to hear this coming from a senior captain of the football team, it really hit home with me.
So, the missionaries would come and go, each of them, bringing up baptism. Time and time again, my Mom would tell them if they kept bringing it up, they wouldn't be allowed to teach us anymore. We knew it would take us a little longer to make this decision, because this isn't just a religion change, but a whole lifestyle change! Once we really started to realize the truth of the message they were sharing, my Dad started coming with us to Church. For a number of months we just continued this process of going to Church and continuing taking the lessons. It had become natural to us, Church leaders would even comment to me in Church how it just seemed like I had been a member all of my life and I was just part of the group! Those kind of comments really made a big impact on me as well. These people loved me and felt like I was already part of their family, it gave me a real sense of belonging as well. Finally the time came where the missionaries built up the courage to commit us to baptism AGAIN. This time for March 24, 2007. And instead of getting mad, my Mom accepted!! And so did my Dad! I was overjoyed! We did end up keeping that date, and the reception we got from the Ward about our decision was borderline overwhelming!! They were all so happy to hear about our decision to make this sacred covenant with our Heavenly Father! When the time for our baptism came, the Primary room where all baptisms were held was almost too small to contain everyone, but people were still happy to stand to support us in the beginning of our journey. My Dad was first to get baptized, Elder Peterson got permission from the Mission President to come out to our baptism and perform the ordinance for my Father. Of course, though, my Dad needed to be the comic relief of the day and while they were both exiting the font, he gave Elder Peterson a little splash! After that, they confirmed him a member of the Church and then gave him the Priesthood, which made him able to baptize the rest of the family. After the Ordination of the Priesthood, Elder Langi performed a musical number for us on the guitar, then we were all baptized after that and I just remember coming up out of the water and feeling so fresh and renewed and knew that I was CLEAN!!! What a great feeling! Something I will never forget! What a great day, I am probably forgetting a lot of the specifics of who gave what talks, but I just remember how I felt and knowing that this was the right decision I needed to make. I knew the Church was true and no one could tell me otherwise.
My conversion doesn't stop at baptism, but this is most I am going to include for the time being. Since joining this Church, I have come so much closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That is the most important thing for me, it is a relationship I will always cherish and nurture and one I never plan on losing. My family has also come a lot closer together because of our goal to reach salvation and exaltation together. We have been sealed for time and all eternity in the Manhattan NY Temple. I have seen so many blessings come into my life personally. My friends participate in wholesome activities and I know that when I am with them, I won't do anything I will regret in the long run while still having a ton of fun! I have also chosen since then to serve as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I decided to go because of the happiness and blessings the missionaries brought my family were immeasurable, and I wish only to bring others that same joy that I felt (Alma 36:24). This has been one of the greatest decisions I have made in my life next to baptism. Right now I am currently serving my mission and have been out for 7.5 months. Through this time I have been converted again and again as I witness the blessings of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ enter into so many peoples lives. I have grown a deep love for the scriptures and for a living Prophet. I will conclude with my testimony. I know that Jesus is the Christ, my personal Savior. Nothing can or will ever replace Him in my life, I would not have any hope for happiness after death or in this life without Him. I know that there is a Prophet on the earth today, Thomas S. Monson. We are all so blessed to have a man who can commune with God and tell us what His will is for us at this time with all of the new temptations and evils in the world, leaving no "gray area." I am so thankful for missionary work and the blessings and pure happiness it has brought into my life and the lives of my family members. I am also thankful for a wonderful family to help me on my spiritual journey and hopefully live together forever in the Celestial Kingdom with our loving Heavenly Father. There is not much out there that means more to me than my family. I love the Gospel, I love the Lord and I love my family. I also try and love everyone around me! As all things are only done through Christ, so do I close my remarks in His holy name.

Me and Will at Youth Conference!