Friday, September 21, 2012


Have you ever heard about what happens if you put a few crabs in a bucket? The oddest thing happens! A crab by itself will be able to climb out of the bucket, but if you put more than one crab in the bucket, the other crabs will grab it and drag it down! 

The other crabs will keep one crab from breaking free and possibly escaping the steamy doom it has ahead of it. Now let us look at another critter, the ant. Ants are quite the opposite! Ants will work together as a team to get food for the colony. They are always on the same page as eachother and know that if they don't work together, they won't be able to accomplish the task ahead of them! 

Also note in the video how one of the ants goes and recruits others for help and more ants come urgently to the scene! So moral of the story? The crabs are holding each other back from escaping death. I can compare this to people who hold each other back from growing in the Gospel, there will be people who will keep you from repenting of sins and drag you back down into it. On the flip side, teamwork is used here to accomplish something for the common good of the colony. So instead of dragging other people down, give them work and purpose to help others and be in the service of those who need your help. This way you lift others rather than drag them down.

So don't be a crab! Be an ant!

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